
Brand Development

If you've got a business you've got a brand. What those who interact with you think and say about you IS your brand, whether you like it or not. Fortunately, you can change the perceptions people have about your business in order to stimulate growth and strengthen your position in the market.


The stories you tell, and how you tell them, are as important to building your brand as your logo or business card. The right brand voice, personality, and effective calls to action will not only strengthen your identity but will compel your customers to engage with you and become brand ambassadors.


You're confident that you've got a great offering, but you're not sure the right people know about you. There are countless ways to promote your product or service, but an effective marketing campaign will ensure that your messaging is targeted and reaches the right people at the right time.

Web Content

Your website is on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's your number one marketing tool, and the first stop for many of your future customers. Invest in creating a site that resonates with the people you want to reach, compelling them to take the next step towards creating a healthy relationship with your business.

Digital Content Creation

Telling your stories through a variety of media is critical to a successful brand building exercise. Consumer consumption of photography and video online has spawned a cavalcade of multimedia platforms, and the demand for content is insatiable. Don't get left behind.

Social Media

Facebook or Twitter? Pinterest? Instagram? In the sea of social media tools it's easy to find yourself bobbing aimlessly in the water. The key to understanding where to invest your valuable time and money is in understanding your target market and being committed to creating engaging content that keeps you top of mind...and top of feed.


One Letter is Worth 1,000 Ads

  It’s almost as if the U.S. government is part of Apple’s marketing department.   I mean, how else can you explain the high fastball served up by the Feds […]

9 Reasons to Hire a Brand Professional

There’s only one reason NOT to hire a brand professional to help you market your business, and it’s cost. But what if it will cost you more in the long run to […]

What’s in a Name?

Fireside. Brand. Storytelling. Since I’ve launched my new business, I’ve had more than one puzzled look thrown at me when I’ve said my company name, and received a handful of […]

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What our clients say

If you’re looking for writing and idea generation that is on brand, look no further. Kevin’s experience and creativity will help you to develop content that communicates effectively and strengthens your brand.

Jason Hemsworth

Jason Hemsworth

Jump Branding & Design Inc.

Kevin really understands brand strategy, and how to develop integrated marketing solutions that are designed to achieve specific goals.

Ray Witkowski

Ray Witkowski

Zone 5

Contact Us

Address: 98 Florwin Drive, Sault Ste. Marie, ON. P6A 4J1
Phone: 705-253-5694